Friday, March 20, 2009

Cde Carl Niehaus, the ANC spin doctor

Carl is a rebel, a financial rebel, a repossessor of note, many may think.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

And so it was with Chris Ngcobo, JMPD Chief

So it is with Chris. Finally pushed aside. No one wants a good manager, especially an effective one at that, so it is good riddance Chris and good times for the low performers, who wishes not to be held accountable lest they strike back at you. And so it was with Chris Ngcobo; the workers are managing finally in killing the dream of a safer Johanesburg. Masethe Tshepo.

Masethe Tshepo on IFP condemnation of Malema

Dr. Buthelezi could have retired, we all know that. We also know that instead of living to the challenge of remaking the IFP without Dr, Buthelezi, his followers urged him to stay on. It all looked like a prearranged conference resolution but so what.

But there is one Generations Soap actor who dished out some far-reaching statements in front of the IFP top leadership and TV cameras. The whole thing finally looked like she was set up to perform insults on the ANC in the manner that she did on that IFP platform, on national television.

Yet Malema is condemned as uncouthed and uncultured. But who is better?
It is precisely for this reason that it is always difficult to pinpoint others when, as Mugabe put it to AU members that, each lacked the moral authority to condemn when their own smallest finger is unclean. Masethe Tshepo.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The third coming, there was Jesus Christ, Nelson Mandela and now Barack Obama

On the 19 January 2009, we are inaugurating Barack Obama, the anointed one and this gives back black folks and women all over the world hope that all obstacles are now cleared for them to restore fully their dignity.

President-elect Barack Obama, who is as white as he is black, must be singing heartfelt, everyday praises to his ancestors and the heavens.

The moon and the stars are in straight alignment for him to govern with reduced difficulties the world’s declining superpower.

Apart from the relevance of his policies, I really don’t know if his biological details is much of a factor in him bagging this much and necessary support.

Nevertheless, should he and his ‘trusted’ aides keep nicely at it in their first 100 days in Office, then the way is paved for him to become a great President and as well shall be improved the chances to restore fully the undermined dignity of Africa’s peoples and the world’s women, let alone the global economy, humanity and peace.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ANC Northern Transvaal fumes

Many people who worked for Lebowa took their pensions when they were unsure about the future of the self-governing territories. Many went on to build big and beautiful houses in the countryside. The nature of what was happening then is not very clear but perceptions of a crises were doing the rounds. When you look closely at the matter it was just uncertainty but the then government made it an issue of a corrupt government by Africans who had already made inroads into the civil service. The statement by the Northern Tvl on the issue may shed some light;

"The continuing crises in the self-governing territory of Lebowa gives us cause for concern. After the announcement by Minister Fourie that his government had taken control of the financial administration of the territory, we challenged him to explain to the public, particularly the people of this region, the real reasons of his actions.
Mismanagement and corruption, we pointed out, had been a malice running through the body of the Apartheid administration itself, not only the Bantustans. Mr. Fourie has taken a step further and pushed through Parliament a bill which will empower State President De Klerk to perform executive powers in self-governing territories. This move we condemn in the strongest terms and we would like to use this opportunity to warn the government that the African National Congress in this region and indeed nationally will muster all the power at its disposal to resist any attempts at controlling Lebowa.
The actions of Minister Fourie run against the letter and spirit of the Transitional Executive Council Act which was passed in Parliament very recently. We see these actions as yet another act of bad faith as the government continues to act unilaterally on matters of such grave importance.
We can only conclude that the government is bent on undermining the massive support that the ANC enjoys on the ground in this region. Unlike the Reef and Natal where violence has been employed for this purpose the National Party strategy for the Northern Transvaal region is distinguished by a covert political manoeuvre, taking advantage of its fast-fading hold on the reigns of government. It therefore comes as no surprise to us that Pretoria should choose this very moment in time to wrest control of the territory of Lebowa, especially in view of the forthcoming elections.
It is quite clear that having undermined the coherence of the Patriotic Front the National Party has now gathered the confidence to intervene in Lebowa as a guardian angel, the high priest of righteousness - the very National Party that has mismanaged the country for decades, bringing untold misery to millions of our people.
We insist that all agreements reached between the Lebowa administration and the civil servants be honored without delay by Pretoria. What must be clear, however, is that by honoring these agreements, the National Party will be doing no-one a favour. These are rights duly and paid out of the taxpayers money."
Issued by the African National Congress Northern Transvaal region Reference: Ngoako Ramatlhodi - Regional Chairperson (01521) 682 100 Ian M. Madikoto - Regional Media Officer (01521) 914 315.

Free fighting for ANC leadership positions was impossible before

To be nominated ANC leader today is like you are given celebrity status. In the past, especially during the heydays of apartheid, ANC leadership meant walking through the shadows of death.

Even as the curtains were coming down on apartheid, most young angry afrikaners, especially those in the police or third force, were unhappy and committed atrocities as is explained by Cde Jackson Mthembu;

"The Eastern Transvaal Regional Executive Committee of the African National Congress held a very constructive and fruitful meeting with the KaNgwane government yesterday in the wake of the assassination of four ANC leaders in Deepdale last Thursday. Both delegations condemned in the strongest terms the assassination of Mr. Abraham Vilakazi, Deputy Secretary of the ANC Deepdale branch, Mr. Wilson Maseko - Deputy Chairperson, Mr. Miscalk Motha - Branch Treasurer and Mr. Mandla Mabaso an additional member in the branch executive. The KaNgwane government will take pre-emptive measurers to ensure that a similar incident does not occur in KaNgwane again, those measurers will include inter-alia the investigation of some controversial police force members in the KaNgwane territory, particularly at the Mayflower station, and the proper screening of future intakes.
The ANC is highly impressed by the progress made by the KaNgwane police team investigating the assassinations. It is also heartened and encouraged by the agreement reached at the meeting that the ANC be part of the investigating team. The ANC will continue its co-operation with the Investigating team and will play its responsible role in ensuring that those who threaten peace in the region are exposed and sent to where they belong - prison.
The two delegations also agreed to form a "Commission of Truth" to look into the murder of Chief Tobias Nkosi of Deepdale in July this year. The Commission will also look into the police harassment of ANC members and leaders in Deepdale and surrounding villages, the murder of Miss Belecia Vilakazi in the Deepdale village in August this year and also the recent assassinations.
The four assassinated ANC leaders will be jointly buried on Saturday, the 09th of October 1993 in Deepdale. The ANC and KaNgwane government have agreed to a joint responsibility for the burial. The ANC delegation was led by the Regional Secretary, Mr. January "Che" Masilela whilst the government delegation was led by the Chief Minister, Mr. M.C. Zitha."
Issued by: Mr. Jackson Mthembu,Publicity Secretary, ANC - Eastern Transvaal Region.

Control of SABC Board, a life and death matter

Control of the SABC Board is one of the most conflict-ridden process ever. Before Mbeki was recalled we all saw how difficult this process proved to be. Before apartheid stalwarts went, it was the same and there was plain talking on both side of the apartheid government and as you can see, the ANC;

"The African National Congress finds the criticism by the Minister of Justice, Mr. Kobie Coetsee, about Mr. Justice Mohammed's cross- examination of nominees for the SABC Board totally unacceptable. It is entirely inappropriate for Mr Coetsee to comment on a selection process that was to be independent and transparent. However, it seems that since State President F W De Klerk already saw it fit to interfere, and plunged the new Board into a serious crisis, Mr. Coetsee thinks that he can follow suit.
Clearly the National Party Government has no understanding and appreciation of judicial independence and public hearings that truly probe the background and ability of a nominee. They fear that the development of such a culture will expose their decades long abuse and manipulation of power through secret organisations such as the Broederbond. In his haste to prevent this Mr. Coetsee reverts to the basic instincts of the NP, and suggests that guidelines for the appointment of judges to committees and commissions should be drawn up. Clearly the aim is to reign in the powers of commissions and prevent judges acting independently. To judge by the personal attacks on Mr. Justice Mohammed such "guidelines" could even be aimed at preventing him and other judges unacceptable to the NP government from serving on commissions.
South Africa is a society torn apart by the abuse of power and massive government corruption. Those who are responsible for this state of affairs cannot be allowed to continue to hold public office. The ANC believes that a culture of frank and forthright cross examination in public hearings should be encouraged, and must become firmly established in a future democratic South Africa."

Only in South Africa, home affairs runs elections

Whoa how is this possible that Home Affairs can run elections, not even in a transition can this happen. The ANC was therefore right to condemn it:

The African National Congress registers its strongest objections to the announcement by the Department of Home Affairs that they are planning to print 30 million ballot papers, and have already ordered huge amounts of stationery in preparation for the elections.
All preparations for the forthcoming election are to be handled by the independent Election Commission, and this includes determining the shape, size etc. of the ballot form. How can the Department of Home Affairs be preparing to print forms when the participants have not even been decided? Any such attempt by the NP government to take unilateral action as far as preparations for the elections are concerned, should be opposed by all who wish to see free and fair elections.
The expenditure that the Government is now incurring could be totally wasted. It is reminiscent of the R15 million that was spent in building rows and rows of entirely useless toilets in the veld. We cannot accept wastage of tax payers' money because of the Government's intransigence and arrogance.
The question must be raised as to whether the NP government is so keen to start preparations because they would like to create conditions under which they can manipulate the outcome. Any attempt by the NP to control the preparations for the elections will plunge the process into a serious crisis of legitimacy.
The ANC therefore demands that the NP government stop their unilateral elections preparations forthwith.

Winnie could not be disciplined by the ANC

ANC NEC finds Winnie, the most loved woman in South Africa, untouchable.

And in a statement it conceded; recently there have been serious developments pertaining to the activities of the group known as the Mandela Football Club which have raised great concern within the mass democratic movement and struggling people as a whole. The ANC shares the concern of the people and has, all the time, tried to intervene to find an amicable solution to the problem.
In the light of reports about its activities in the recent past, our organisation, complementing the initiatives of leading personalities of the Mass Democratic Movement, tried to use its influence to bring about the disbanding of the group. Unfortunately our counsel was not heeded by Comrade Winnie Mandela. The situation has been further complicated by the fact that she did not belong to any structures and therefore did not benefit from the discipline, counselling and collectivity of the Mass Democratic Movement.
Under these circumstances she was left open and vulnerable to committing mistakes which the enemy exploited. One such instance relates to the so-called Mandela Football Club. In the course of time, the club engaged in unbecoming activities which have angered the community. We fully understand the anger of the people and their organisations towards this club. We have every reason to believe that the club was infiltrated by the enemy, and that most of its activities were guided by the hand of the enemy for the purposes of causing disunity within the community and discrediting the name of Nelson Mandela and the organisation of which he is the leader.
Our people should not allow this. The ANC calls on our people to close ranks and exercise maximum vigilance against the vile machinations of the enemy.

Biography of horror - the apostle of evil

This release by the ANC captured PW's political life as one of a man committed to evil:

Yesterday, one of the principal architects of the apartheid system, P.W.Botha, almost exactly four years after his infamous Rubicon speech of 1985, crashed out of the political life of our country, a failed and embittered politician of racism.
An official of the National Party since the 1930's, he was among the group that was elected into the white parliament in 1948. He has held various posts in the apartheid regime, including those of Minister of Defence, the Premiership and the executive Presidency.
Steeped in the ideology and policies of racism and racial domination, he dedicated his life to the construction of the apartheid system and its defence at all costs. In pursuit of these goals, he has brought death and destruction to millions of people in South Africa and the rest of the region of Southern Africa, through a systematic campaign of brutal repression, aggression and state terrorism.
He deliberately prepared for this campaign, aimed at ensuring the survival of the apartheid system, by building the racist South African army and training it to be an instrument of murder and pillage. He elevated this war machine into the highest executive echelons of the apartheid state to enable it to carry out its campaign of terror without let or hindrance.
The bitter fruits of those preparations are the countless graves of innocent men, women and children that cover the face of Southern Africa, including South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Angola, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Seychelles. These will remain forever as monuments to the apartheid crime against humanity in the same way that Buchenwald and other concentration camps continue to remind the world of the Nazi crime against humanity. These will become monuments because apartheid has no future. This is the meaning of the rise and fall of P.W.Botha. He has tumbled out of political life a defeated man, defeated within South Africa, in Angola and Namibia and in the rest of the world. It is the millions that he sought to oppress, exploit and terrorise that have brought him down.
The courageous mass political struggle, the heroic armed offensive and the unbreakable spirit of resistance of our people, the actions of the peoples of our region, all of these supported by the international community through the sanctions campaign, among others, have brought about the open crisis of the apartheid system which has resulted in the recent bitter confrontation among the captains of apartheid and the ignominious downfall of P.W.Botha.
We are certain that Klerk, who remains committed to the apartheid notion of group rights and opposed to democratic majority rule, will be the last of the illegitimate apartheid rulers of our country. As a result of the further and militant intensification of our struggle in all its forms, South Africa will be transformed into a united, democratic and non-racial country, within the foreseeable future.
The current situation, brought about through struggle, demands that we escalate that struggle on all fronts, in this Year of Mass Action for People's Power. Therefore we call on the millions of our people to take their campaign of defiance and resistance to ever higher levels. At the same time, the armed struggle must also be escalated to deliver telling blows against the murderous apartheid regime.
We look forward to the Harare meeting of the OAU Ad-Hoc Committee on Southern Africa on August 21 and the Belgrade Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement at the beginning of September, to take the necessary decisions further to step up the world campaign for mandatory and comprehensive sanctions against racist South Africa and to extend maximum assistance to the ANC and the struggling people of our country.
The fall of Botha must, as a result of unrelenting struggle, signify the beginning of the end of the criminal system of apartheid and an uninterrupted advance towards a non-racial democracy in South Africa.

What is to be must be

The ANC said

"The five year plan placed before the National Party conference by president elect FW De Klerk, yesterday 29th June, 1989 is a shocking insult to the people of South Africa. The idea that our people should fold their arms and sit back for half a decade while apartheid is given a change of clothes would be laughable, were it not so insufferable.
As we have repeatedly warned, FW De Klerk has nothing better on offer than a refurbished version of apartheid - 'a reformed apartheid'. Consistent with the central dogmas of that system, De Klerk insists on establishing and re-affirming race as the basic plank of the constitution. Political rights will continue to be defined on the basis of race."

But FW at least delivered on the promise albeit he had no choice at all because what is to be must be.

Disinformation the lifeblood of politics

Disinformation campaigns are obviously popular in politics. We have seen the current Chairperson of ANCYL in Limpopo associated with an 'email' that distances himself with the position of the League to support Cassell Mathale for the Provincial Chairmanship of the Province. And the case as read in the ANC Statement below is normal discourse in this work.

Lusaka, Zambia - 27th June, 1989
The malicious report carried in the British Intelligence Digest for June, to the effect that it has evidence of a plot to assassinate Comrade Nelson Mandela being hatched in the ANC, sets an all-time low for the abysmal ethical standards practised by that journal.
The ANC unequivocally states that there is not, and there cannot be, any such conspiracy to assassinate a single one of our political leaders, least of all Comrade Nelson Mandela, organised in the ranks of the ANC.
We defy the editors and owners of the British Intelligence Digest to produce the evidence they claim to possess. We challenge them to stop skulking behind the cover of 'informed sources' and other anonymous 'informants' and present before the court of international opinion the sources they claim advised them of these vicious lies.
However, we do not lightly dismiss the libels published by this scandal sheet. They are part of a pattern of psychological preparation of South African and international opinion for some act of foul play being plotted by enemies of the oppressed people of our country. Past experience warns that these will seek to shift the blame for the crimes onto the guiltless. The cowardly murder of Comrade Dulcie September in 1988 is a case in point.
It has become the practice of sensation-seeking journalists and all manner of mischief-makers to speculate about tensions and divisions within the leading organs of the ANC. True to this pattern the British Intelligence Digest and Africa Analysis make extravagant claims of differences between alleged nationalist and communist factions in the ANC.
Our people and the international community should, in the light of these groundless assertions, exercise maximum vigilance to safeguard and protect the lives of Comrade Mandela and other ANC leaders. The provocations that today emanate from these sources can serve but one purpose - to sow confusion amongst our supporters and to provide a ready-made alibi for the racist death squads that have recently subjected the ANC to a systematic campaign of assassinations and attacks against our personnel.
We admonish the editors and owners of these journals to consider the consequences of the libels they see fit to print. We reserve the right to call them to account before competent authorities.

The tension point

This statement by OR Tambo tells you clearly that proponents of apartheid were impressively steadfast in holding on to power and Africans in claiming their birthright to the African soil.

Today, despite its treachery and blood-letting, Pretoria has been forced to concede a formal withdrawal from Namibia. We look forward to a great triumph to be accomplished after 1st November. Yet, precisely because of this possibility, Pretoria has been unsparing of money and schemes in its attempt to disfigure the character of independence. We are all called upon to exercise the utmost caution in addressing that situation. We have to rise to the assistance of Swapo, which is being assailed from all sides by the racist regime with a view to depriving it of an electoral victory. If these efforts fail, plans are already afoot to destabilise independent Namibia. We look to those who have supported the liberation struggle in southern Africa to attack and expose this vile intrigue against the Namibian people.
This ANC statement captured a mood of unity in the country that no longer exist now.

"De Klerk and his clique have no answer to the crisis facing our country. Their repressive machineries cannot stifle the voice of freedom. Their deceptive talk about reforms cannot entice the people to abandon the democratic struggle. Their policies are drawing the economy deeper into the mire of chaos.
The answer to South Africa's problems lies in the hands of the struggling people. The more the regime has struck out, the more we have come back. Let us press home the advantage!"

Its true that challenging times brings people more closer together.


Talk about infiltration...

According to ANC statement, Hugh Lugg volunteered for service as a soldier in Umkhonto we Sizwe and willingly accepted deployment in his appointed unit.
Throughout his period in this unit the instructions issued to him by his immediate commander and the higher command were in accordance with the policy of the ANC. At no time were instructions ever issued to carry out operations against civillian targets.
Not only did he desert his unit, he betrayed his comrades and was solely responsible for their capture. Now he is acting as a willing tool of the apartheid regime and the security police in disseminating lies about his unit and the ANC.
The attempt is to smear the names of his former comrades, Damien de Lange, Ian Robertson and Susan Wescott because they have emerged from their trial as brave and loyal members of the ANC and Umkhonto we Sizwe and have won the love and respect of the oppressed people of South Africa.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Foot dragging on cholera by others kills many

We watch with interest the goings on about cholera in our country and beyond. So many are charged with the responsibility for the poor souls that we have lost thus far.

To this should be added dwaf, treasury, dplg, SALGA, municipalities and municipal rate boycotters as entities responsible for the spread of cholera.

We don't take seriously or prioritise sharply the work that we must do to accelerate the delivery of VIP toilets and hygience education or awareness. Obesity and HIV/Aids, yes, these are modern lifestyle diseases. Cholera should however not be a part of the health challenges we experience in this, the 21st century.

Death, the price of political blunders?

It is indeed sad that Shadrack Dube, the leader of the Inkatha Freedom Party’s Youth Brigade,was killed as he was, but this serves to me and many others as a clear reminder of what cde Jacob Zuma had to deal with in this Province, which we all know had quite an inkling for resolving political conflicts through brutal violence.

Whistleblower's life blown away

It is with a heavy heart that I remember comrade Jimmy Mohlala.

I remember so well and fondly the work we did, together with cdes Nomusa Dube, Petrus Mashishi, Roger Ronnie, Shoots Naidoo, Pat Nkosi and others in capacitating the first crop of municipal managers back in the day through the Dutch-funded Solidarity Project.

As we were building this local sphere of government to the current strength that it is today, little did we expect that you will die in its love and defense, especially so soon.

As we bid farewell to a dear comrade, and as the rubble and the dirt covers you, your legacy shall remain to benefit your friends and enemies' children in the many generations to come.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Britian is on Mugabe's case, full time

I really and truly feel for Mugabe. The Brits are completely oblivious of their contribution to the situation in Zimbabwe and are only too happy to chastise Comrade Mugabe rather that help Zimbabwe back on its feet. They are not innocent here. They are as guilty as Mugabe.

Under all this pressure Mugabe is now hallucinating and you can't blame him when he says there is no cholera in Zimbabwe and therefore no basis for an invasion.

"Because of cholera, Mr Brown wants a military intervention," he said. "Bush wants military intervention because of cholera."
"There is no cause for war any more," Mugabe said. "The cholera cause doesn’t exist any more."

Media obsession with ANC and COPE

A newspaper report that police had to intervene as chanting members of the African National Congress and the Congress of the People (Cope) confronted each other at Eastern Beach shows clearly that journalists are obsessed with the two parties. Sadly, it is not about their policy positions.

Youth voters out there think that they have to struggle between the choice of a land so dry that it cannot be cultivated without irrigation and a land so wet that it cannot be cultivated without drainage. Yet if media focus was on the policy of the two parties perhaps it could be easier for young people to vote the party of their choice on an informed basis.

Obviously those without policies to present to the voters will prefer the current angle that journalists are so obsessed with and refuses flatly to refresh.

A subtle ditch at Obama

When the noble former leader of the DA, Tony Leon, paid tribute to the late Helen Suzman during her stint in the 60s as a lone voice opposed to apartheid in the then so-called Parliament, he described her as “not one of those people who will say change is coming”.

To those to whom this statement may sound like a racist irritation against Obama’s Change is Coming ‘rhetoric’, don't be overly sensitive. Tony Leon is not a racist but was himself an irritant all throughout his short political career, easily excitable by basic challenges the country was naturally trying to overcome.

Tzipi Livni, Israel Foreign Minister wants to weaken Hamas in Gaza

I take it the Israel is clear in itself as it continue to bomb Gaza following rockets that killed Israelites in the south of the country but the intensity of Israel’s firepower will only serve to strengthen or excuse Muslim and other extremists to go on the offensive as well.

The principled use of fire to attack and counter-attack, whether in the name of self-defence or national security, seems backward by the day.

Clearly the world needs to find a better way to fight battles such as the war on terror. As with his father, President George W. Bush depended heavily on the military to do so and after a while this looked like an outdated way of going about the business of rooting out terror.

It seems like fighting fire with fire suit the terrorist much better.

Israel and Palestine head-butt each other on the eve of 2009

The hostilities between Israel and Palestine is as old as the rivers, valleys and the mountains.

We have seen and heard of a million historic peace plans, deals and various roadmaps and, in all of Arafat’s lifetime, no peace, even a short-lived one, has descended upon the Middle East.

We have come to accept that only a miracle will put an end to this inexplicable barbarism.

Douglas Gibson in the wilderness

Where is Douglas Gibson? It will be interesting to find out why he deserved to be an ambassador or why he thought it inescapable that he accept the posting.

MEC bans SA Roadlink from Kwazulu-Natal roads

People may think that MEC for Transport Bheki Cele is a performer by hastily suspending SA Roadlink’s licence but we must give him the benefit of doubt if you consider that a lost life is forever.

The Court may reverse his decision but his position and the message he wanted to make clear for all the others in the industry to take home is well received and in the process a few thousand lives were saved.

Those of us who value life, we say big-up to the “performer”.

Water, the most important resource there is

Why is it that DWAF is happy with the Vaal river system as a fountain of pollution and a threat to public life?

We sign deals worth billions of Rands we don’t have to source water from Lesotho into the death-trap that is the Vaal river system.

Clearly the Ministry should go for the throat of those industry players who value less the lives of animals and people residing and depending on the river system.

Party funding by cellphones

By its nature, strong democracy requires strong political parties, which in turn survives on effective party funding.

The platform that cellphone technology provides to all of us to fund political parties of our choice is fundamental to growing democracy and building those political parties that provides us with the critical services that sustain us.

Hopefully, the relevant authorities will find reason to monitor closely the proper use of this technology.

COPE stance on affirmative action amounts to self-strangulation

Losing touch with feelings of people on the ground is the one challenge many leaders stumble upon. That affirmative action will be not be a central preoccupation of COPE shows how out of step with reality are its founders.

Affirmative action matters today as it did in the last 100 years, and as we march towards 2012, the ANC will continue to show that it has a good grasp of this obvious fact.

COPE advisers are clearly new to this business of addressing previously disadvantaged people’s grassroots needs and their policy advice exposes their elitist agenda.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Helen Suzman's death reminds us that "we are on our own"

I wish to pass my sincere condolences to the family of the late anti-apartheid veteran politician, Helen Suzman.

She will indeed be remembered by many of us for her big heart.

Her passing away comes hot on the heels of the loss of such struggle icons as Dr. Nthato Motlana.

Those were outspoken politicians. They tackled hard the issues of the day and rarely the personal character of those whose policies they were opposed to.

We can't ask any more from them. As this generation, we are now on our own and we should emulate and even surpass their leadership and ethical standards.

Water services delivery spared us for 2009

We have just gone through the festive season and some of us visited our beloved grandmothers in the deep rural Limpopo.

In the light of the recent cholera outbreak around Musina, for the first time one truly appreciated the work of the ANC is doing in providing clean and safe drinking water and decent sanitation to communities.

I drove home with reservation about the quality of water that I will be consuming at home and came back happy and satisfied that the ANC is succeeding to remove the weight of poverty, that is heaviest in the rural hinterlands, from the shoulders of our elderly mothers and fathers.