Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Talk about infiltration...

According to ANC statement, Hugh Lugg volunteered for service as a soldier in Umkhonto we Sizwe and willingly accepted deployment in his appointed unit.
Throughout his period in this unit the instructions issued to him by his immediate commander and the higher command were in accordance with the policy of the ANC. At no time were instructions ever issued to carry out operations against civillian targets.
Not only did he desert his unit, he betrayed his comrades and was solely responsible for their capture. Now he is acting as a willing tool of the apartheid regime and the security police in disseminating lies about his unit and the ANC.
The attempt is to smear the names of his former comrades, Damien de Lange, Ian Robertson and Susan Wescott because they have emerged from their trial as brave and loyal members of the ANC and Umkhonto we Sizwe and have won the love and respect of the oppressed people of South Africa.

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